

Samurai Litter 2021

the parents


our main female


Father of the puppies is our sponsored male Vincent (Aslan vom Heide Tamaskan) and a real stroke of luck: Vincent has not only the wolf-like exterieur with his slender build, the yellow almond-shaped eyes and the long legs, but captivates by his simple, easily manageable good-mood character.

Both parents are free of all testable hereditary diseases, have an Embark profile and evaluations of HD A, ED 0, LüW and ECVO eye examination including gonioscopy.

the birth

After an absolute picture book pregnancy, our first Sakura litter of 9 healthy, typey puppies saw the light of day naturally on 12/14 & 12/15/2021: 5 females & 4 males.
The new citizens of the earth were named after the 7 virtues of the Samurai.

Seven Virtues of the Samurai

Sakura Gi


geboren: 14.12.21 | 13:01 Uhr | 441g

Gi (義)

“This ensures that the individual has the right path and mindset when making decisions – that they have the power to decide quickly. It is to ensure that the individual avoids indecision and that decisions are based on the right reasons.”

Sakura Yu


geboren: 14.12.21 | 13:50Uhr | 456g

Yu (勇)

“Yu focuses on making sure an individual does the right thing and has the courage to do the right thing, not what others expect them to do. If a person is specially educated, he has his own beliefs to follow and has the courage to do so.”

Sakura Makoto


geboren: 14.12.21 | 15:37Uhr | 355g

Makoto (誠)
Truth & Truthfulness

“Honesty has always been important, as warriors believe that honesty in everything they do will gain respect. It would also mean that they are trustworthy.”

Sakura Jin


geboren: 14.12.21 | 16:16Uhr | 415g

Jin (仁)

“As great warriors, samurai have the right power to kill; However, because of Bushido, Jin is to ensure that their mind and thinking are balanced – have mercy and sympathy for the right situation.”

Sakura Chugi


geboren: 14.12.21 | 18:15Uhr | 398g

Chūgi (忠義)
Loyalty & Allegiance

“Another important aspect of Bushido was loyalty. Samurai treated each other like family and protected and helped their fellow samurai. This was important because it meant they could trust each other, knowing they would be loyal despite the circumstances.”

Sakura rei


geboren: 14.12.21 | 21:14 Uhr | 380g

Rei (礼)

“Based on a samurai’s beliefs, it is important that they respect everything and be polite. Their way of life meant that they should respect elders, respect life, and respect the beliefs of others.”

Sakura Meiyo


geboren: 14.12.21 | 22:26 Uhr | 360g

Meiyo (名誉)

“Living and dying with great honor was of vital importance to every samurai warrior. Everything they did was with great honor; That is, everything they did based on their faith was with honor.”

Sakura Samurai

geboren: 15.12.21 | 01:55 Uhr | 387g

Samurai (侍)
Protector & Servant

“Literally, the term “samurai” can be translated as servants or protectors, which describes their role in the high times quite well.What made these warriors special was not their fighting skills, but the principles and values that inspired them to act.

Sakura Shinobi


geboren: 15.12.21 | ~03:00 Uhr | 383g

Shinobi (忍)

“Scouts as a significant military unit. When it came to observing enemy positions or spying in the enemy’s camp, courageous agents were needed. Shinobi had to cope with every conceivable situation, find their way in the wilderness as well as in a large city.”

